Health, Medicine


    Nowadays, we hear that lots of people are suffering from Breast cancer and we can not do anything to help them. In spite of that we are able to know their feelings, for example , Grazia de Michelle was diagnosed cancer during her final year of Ph.D. She said that it had changed her life forever and nowadays she is fighting to stop this horrible disease. Unfortunately, there are more people in the same situation that Grazia. Moreover, it is very important to diagnose the problem as soon as possible.
    Julián Martínez Iglesias , 1ºE

  2. Body Clocks
    This article from the New York Times explains how everybody have an innate “inner clock” which makes you go to sleep earlier or later and it is in your DNA. It also says that not following your chronotype might be unhealthy
    In my opinion that is something that had not been demonstrated so far but everybody thought. I strongly believe that if we had our schedule adapted to our body clock we would be happier and less stressed. A clear evidence of this is our attitude in summer .It seems utopic but it could succeed if all of us make an effort and collaborate together.
    Orginal New York Times Article
    By Luis Casanueva 1ºE

    Some analysis dealt with including 23 randomized trials at four sites (spine, neck, hip and forearm) in 4.000 healthy participants in middle-aged adults.
    However, the positive results were no better than would be expected. The large number of participants and the variety of trials give the review´s conclusions strength.
    In my opinion, all vitamins help the body and some experts always try to search specific vitamins for preventing the diseases when most important thing is to have a healthy lifestyle.
    By José Gimillo 1ºE

  4. In this article of the USA Today we can observe that the number of adults who suffer obesity in the 2012 have diminished in comparison to the 2010 rates. The lowering is only a 0.8% but these are good news because this percentage has always been increasing since 1960.
    In my opinion this article shows that U.S. society is changing because people are making aware of the health problems linked to obesity. It is probably that the results of statistics continue decreasing in the coming years.

    USA Today Article

  5. Outdoor air pollution has been officially classified as carcinogenic

    Different researches from the "IARC" have determined that pollution from traffic and industrial fumes can cause lung cancer and it's also very related to the bladder one.
    In my opinion this is a problem that affects our daily lives in a lower way, but it can produce very hard consequences in cities where the air pollution levels are extremely high such as Linfen, Tianying, etc.
    I think it's a priority to find effective solutions to this problem as soon as possible, but till then, we could all colaborate by polluting less. Things we can do are, for example, not using the car unless it's extremely needed or using the public transport. If we collaborate, we can all build a better world.

    Felipe García Pérez, 1ºE

    The guardian, original article

    This article briefly reports how in the last year there have been several cases where ambulances took over two hours to reach the place of the accident. Lately, police cars see themselves forced to do ambulances´ work, because there are not enough ambulances to cover the demand.
    View more.
    From my point of view when calling the emergency number, we should be aware that there are always other emergencies; thus, the ambulance might not arrive instantly. Nevertheless, I think that hospitals must reorganize themselves in order to deliver an efficient service and not require extra help from the police.
    Ana Cassinello Bachiller


    Scientists have discovered that getting up early or late doesn't depend on our daily activities or tiredness but our "chronotypes" which indicates your tendency to get up earlier or later.

    In my opinion I don't support this article because I think the time you get up depends on how tired you were the day before or how well you've slept that night , If you haven't slept well obviously you'll be sleepy the following day even if you have early chronotype or whatever.

    Marta de los Santos. 1º E
    Click here to read the original article.

  8. Airport Noise Linked to Heart Risk

    A study reports that people who live near the airport may have a risk for cardiovascular disease.
    The researchers used data from the medical records for calculate the number of medical admissions for cardiovascular disease in places with noisy levels higher than 45 dB. The study says that there are a lot of people with cardiovascular disease. I´ve chosen this article because I think that it´s interesting and curious and it could be useful for our health. It can teach us to live in places far away the airports.

    NY TIMES Article
    Jaime Paz Manzanares


    In this article of the New York Times we can read that researchers investigate that if you make music when you do sport It will make the exercise easier. Everybody think that listen music while you are doing some sport will motivate you but researchers and sportman know that only it will distract you.

    the investigators installed a kit that produce electronic music with a variety of sound levels and rhythms in different workout machines ,then they putted people doing exercises with the kit and without the kit and the result was that Creating their own rhythms and melodies had lowered the physical cost of exercise.

    I choose this news because i think that is interesting but when i do sport i like listening music i will continue doing it.


    Jorge Gutiérrez Rico, 1ºE

  10. Is an extra hour important?

    The University of Surrey has carried out studies to measure the effect that our sleeping patterns have on our health.

    The studies involved two groups of volunteers whose sleeping patterns were changed in order to monitor the effect it would have on their health.The difference of one hour's sleep a night showed significant changes in mental agility.

    As the results showed that the volunteers with less sleep had lower mental agility,I believe that your sleeping habits have a direct effect on your health.The results of the blood tests confirm this.

    In conclusion to mantain a healthy life style,seven and a have hours of sleep are required.

    Click here to read more from the original extract

    Mario Martinez Fernandez,1ºE

  11. In terms of Injury, Cities Safer Than Country

    This article talks about where is safer to live in. It is said that you will have more chances of suffering a mortal injury if you live in a rural area. This is due to the fact that the main causes of a mortal injury, which are car crashes and gunshots, are more common in the rural area than in the urban centers.
    In my opinion, it is true that cities are safer. Nevertheless, in long terms speaking, it is healthier to live in the countryside considering that the pollution rates and the stressful lifestyle are aspects that affect you predominantly in the cities.

    Original Article

    Antonio Giráldez


    This article from the New York Times tells us the problem which USA suffered until a few years ago by a high infant mortality rate because they didn´t have a proper health care law for pregnant women, whose babies usually are premature by problems like obesity or high blood preassure.

    While USA was suffering this, in European countries as Finland, they had a low infant mortality rate by a health program for pregnant women, including illegal immigrants. But some European countries as Turkey or Latin countries like Mexico were worse than USA.

    Nowadays, with the Obama´s health care law these women can receive the treatments that they need to take care of their babies reducing the infant mortality rate to 1.6 deads for every thousand of born children in USA.


    Fernando Madrazo Bringas, 1ºE

  13. Humans or animals?
    The article explains the results of clinical trials for some treatments between humans and animals. It looks like there is not agreement in wich way is the best alternative. For example, in the lab test centre marmoset monkeys were given Parkinson`s and they weren´t able to survive alone. This result is unreliable in human outcomes.

    In my opinion,due to the specific human complexity, for some treatments the only way to get good results is using human trials accepting all the risks. I consider it like the best approach.


    Javier Caminos, 1ºE

  14. Diabetes and Children

    In fact diabetes is a lifelong disease. Our way of life doesn´t help: junk food, sedentary work, lack of exercise ... In my opinion, along with medical treatment, the patient has to change radically his life , in terms of food, sports, lifestyle ...
    In my family there have been cases in adults and children and without a doubt adults can deal with such as frustrating disease easier than children. Because of that fact psychological aid should be more active with childish diabetes.

    Manuel Naharro Melgar ,1ºE

    Original article from the USAToday:
    By:David Jiménez Crespo
    This article talks about a little boy´s story named Creed. Creed was ill since he was born, he suffered from leukaemia.
    A dog was given by an association to Creed, its name was Casper. This dog changed Creed´s life. They became very good friends. The dog was always beside him.
    One day Creed was about to die and Casper came next to Credd and he started getting better. The dog had just saved his life.
    Anyway, a few months later, the little boy began to get worse and he died.
    I think that the animals can improve our lifes. In my opinion this dog made Creed´s life better.

  16. New technique for hair growth

    This article from the New York Times talks about a possible new technique which scientists have found for the hair growth.

    Until now there only have been one method, the transplants. The transplants consists in move hair from the back to the front of the head. That’s only hair repositioning, not a real hair increase. In addition, the surgery lasts about eight hours, it’s one of the largest so this factor added it’s a problem for this technique.

    The new method consists only in get a part of cells, then scientists deal them at the laboratory to multiply the number of cells, after that, this new amount of cells are injected back to the person’s head to fill in balds.

    In my opinion I think that the new method have less difficulties than the old one ,like the surgery but this is a new method so the scientists have to check it if the method is sure and if the method works well.


    By Iñigo Velasco Elordi 1ºE

  17. Are Oreo really as addictive as cocaine ?
    A study released from Conecticut College said that Oreos are as addictive as cocaine.
    Some rats were injected whith these substances and were placed in a maze. The researchers meausured the amount of time the rats spent in each half of the chamber and claim that the stimulus have the same addiction.
    In my opinion Oreos have sugar and it can cause addiction but it can´t be compared with a drug because you can die of cocaine overdose or even if you don´t have another hit.
    Click to see the original article
    Alberto Baret Hernández 1ºE,nº2

  18. According to "Why do we sleep", published in The Guardian, sleeping is just a way to clean your brain. During the day the brain produces dangerous toxins which can cause dementia or Alzheimer's disease. These toxins are expelled by a fluid that the cerebral spin produces when the person is asleep.

    From my point of view sleep is not only for this cleansing method but also to balance your metabolism and to regulate your digestion.

    Elisa González Blaya 1ºE

    Since 20th century, in United States, the blood alcohol level was very high. This caused numerous traffic accidents, wich caused in 25.000 deaths per year. By 2004 all states had lowered their legal blood alcohol level, wich had been as high as 0,015 percent, to the current level of 0,08 percent. From this law, the rate of deaths by traffic accidents has been reduced.

    In my opinion, I think that the driver must be completely sober, and so there wouldn´t be any accidents for this cause.

    Jose Ignacio Sainz Moreno 1ºE


    Many commuters have suspected about air pollution causes lung cancer. Kurt Straif said that the air most people breathe has become polluted with cancer-causing substances.

    The people risk is low, but he said the main sources of pollution are extended, including power plants and industrial emissions.

    In 2010 there were almost 250,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide connected to air pollution. I personally find it a way to warn people about the importance of protecting the environment.

    Click here to read the original article

    Agustin Morales Córdoba 1ºE

  21. Adrenaline, superhero's hormone?
    Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), is a hormone ,produced by the adrenal glands (located on top of each kidney) during high stress or exciting situations.It is known as the fight or flight hormone, beacause it can allow us to cope with dangerous and unexpected situations. It increases the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles, while suppressing other non-emergency bodily processes, in cosecuence the body is able to pass more blood to the muscles and get more oxygen into the lungs, increasing physical performance for a short time.

  22. Alzheimer’s test: Could a scoop of peanut butter and a ruler become that elusive test?

    A simple test involving a tablespoon of peanut butter and a ruler may help doctors detect Alzheimer's disease.

    Researchers led by University of Florida graduate found that patients with early stage Alzheimer's disease had a difficult time detecting peanut butter held under their nose. The results read that people with a confirmed diagnosis on early-stage Alzheimer’s could smell just fine with their right nostril, but not their left. This is because patients in cognitive decline tend to lose their sense of smell first. At the moment this test can be used to confirm diagnosis but it is intended that by 2014 it will be used to predict.

    Personally I think it’s fantastic that we keep on finding more and more easy, cheap, and effective weapons in the Alzheimer’s fight, even though they might not be very orthodox.

    USA TODAY Alzheimer's test.

    Natalia Ramos Flores, 1ºE, 26


    Most of the people have been thinking during decades that “domestic physical activity”, like cleaning or washing dishes, helps you to be fit.
    However, a recent study affirms that people who do the housework instead of normal physical activity are the most overweight, because they overestimate their habits.
    Nevertheless, housework helps you to keep a physical and mental wellbeing.
    In my opinion, housework may be useful to keep you active, but it is not enough. From my point of view, if you want to be healthy, you should learn to
    combine household chores with physical activity habits.

    Click here to read the original article

    Ignacio Pombo Aguilar, 1ºE


    Can air pollution cause lower weights in recent born children? It has been found that concentrations of particular matter as low as 20 micrograms/m3 and the risk of giving birth to a full-term low-birth-weight babies are directly related.

    In my opinion, pollution can not only affect fetuses during a pregnancy, it actually affects every single person living in a polluted environment. This pollution might lead to lung diseases, such as lung cancer, pharyngitis or asthma. In conclusion, the lower the pollution the better our lives.

    Valvanera de la Llama Amillategui, 1ºE

  25. Air pollution linked to lower birth weight
    This article I´ve read it´s about how air pollution afect the baby during pregnancy. It´s prove that a certain amount of air pollution incrases the level of a lower weight on a baby.
    I also read that the particles enter in the bloodstream and go to the fetus, damageing it.
    Although air pollution has other bad effects on children who were bonrned with low weight.
    In my opininon I think that air pollution really affects babies weight but I also think that maybe this bad effects will affect in the future.
    by Conchi García-Belenguer Guardiola 1ºE

  26. Chinese medicine. Real or fiction?

    I want to talk you about the experience of a journalist, whose experimented chinese medicine. From his point of view, it seems entirely possible to believe in it, in an “accidental medicine”. I think you must be careful about what you try out, you shouldn´t do everything someone says you, even more if your health is in danger. Original article

    Álvaro Pérez Trasancos, 1ºE

  27. A good birth experience is more than the baby being delivered alive.
    Some new researches have demonstrated that a safe and pleasant birth it´s essential for the physical al psychological health of both mother and child.
    Everybody cares about the baby´s health but it´s also very important the mother´s pysichological health as it will have a very big effect on the baby´s future development. If the mother has baby blues, she won´t be able to take care of its baby.
    In conclusion, if we want future generations to be well-adjusted we must take in mind that the experiences they obtain in their first years are vital, and mothers behavior plays a very important role.

    Click here to read te original article

    Helena del Cuvillo

  28. Genes for face shape identified

    A research made by Professor Axel Visel, from the Joint Genome Institute at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, has shed some light on how genes shape our faces.
    The research was made by testing with genetically modified mice, to know which genes play a role in their facial features.
    More than 4,000 different genes were found, but only 200 of them could be identified.
    "These mice looked pretty normal, but it is really hard for humans to see differences in the face of mice," explained Prof Visel.

    Click here to read te original article
    Santiago Arderíus
