Food, Nutrition


  1. Chocolate, an irresistible flavour to your plate.
    Pleasure... Is probably the first word you´ll hear when you ask for chocolate.
    It´s something sweet, gooey, which slowly melts in your mouth.
    It´s something addictive that you never want to stop eating.
    One of the most highly valued ingredients by chefs. Is able to combine with everything your mind can imagine.
    For that reason, I leave here some links which you can blab if you´re a manic of chocolate.
    *Chocolate gamishes
    *The Guardian
    But, don´t worry, If you love chocolate and you´re a mess in the kitchen, I can help you. I leave here for you a recipe of a brownie in the microwave.
    I hope you liked it
    Best wishes for the firefighters
    Almudena Sebastián González

    This was announced, to try to make children eat healthier when they go to MacDonald’s. They add into the menu, vegetables, salads and more fruit.
    MacDonald’s has moved around $35 million of dollars to change their menu, because they have been critised for many people and also because they have been under pressure.
    In my opinion , MacDonald’s have to change their food to make it more healthier
    If you go into this link, you can visit the official web of International Herald Tribune
    Paula Rivero Ramírez, 1ºC

  3. How to make your own cocktails at home

    In this article, the writer gives us some recipes and some basic ideas of how to make our own cocktails at home, based on various tips that The Cocktail Lovers explain. The Cocktail Lovers are a duo formed by Sandrae Lawrence and Gary Sharpen, whose hobby and, eventually, their job is to give courses focused in erradicate the thought that we would need special equipment if we wanted to make our own cocktails at home. In my opinion, as i don't have any idea of making cocktails or even types of drinks theirselves, it would be very funny to see me in that situation.

    Alejandro León Castell


    “The scariest thing about Halloween isn’t the creepy or spooky costumes, it is the damage caused by the candy on kids’ teeth”, American dentists say.

    The American Dental Association is offering an alternative way to “taste” Halloween this year. They are worried because less than one half of american children only brush their teeth twice a day, so they are giving away trading cards of characters from PopCap’s Games (a videogame business) where there are messages to remind these kids to have a good mouth hygiene. They also have the chance to win coupons for a free computer edition of the game “PopCap's Plants vs. Zombies”.

    I chose this new article because it’s almost Halloween time. I think this is a really cool and fun idea for helping kids avoiding serious oral damages.


  5. Label Plan Offered to Rate Food Nutrition

    The Institute of Medicine is trying to inaugurate a simplified label that would be displayed on the front of nutritional products’ packages. This label would indicate the number of calories per serving size and have a rating from two to three starts/checkmarks that would state how healthful the product was. This idea came due to the fact that Congress believes that the labels on food items are too hidden and complex for people to figure out.
    The star/checkmark rating would be limited to only three types of nutrients that are consumed the most by the population: added sugars, sodium and saturated/trans fats. These three ingredients are the most closely associated with illnesses like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
    It appears as if there will not be too much progress on the rating idea any time soon since the Food & Drug Administration is still in the process of assessing the new topic.
    I personally believe that this new labeling system could definitely lead to a smarter and healthier shopping choice by the consumers. It is also a much easier system to understand for people who do not have an extended knowledge on what each ingredient means and how much of the food product it makes up.
    -Andrea Piñanes

    ( )

  6. Haribo sweet king Hans Riegel dies at 90

    Hans Riegel, the German founder of the worldwide known brand Haribo (Hans Riegel Bonn) has died at the age of 90 from a heart failure.This man deserves special recognition due to the fact that since his father founded the company in 1920, he has spent 70 years at the helm of it spreading it to 100 different countries in spite of the German postwar. Even the German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, refers to the popular company as a brand that wherever he travelled in recent years, the gummy bears had arrived long before him. This gummy bears have undergone some changes along the years such as the name and the expression on their jelly faces. Haribo had 6000 employees in 15 different sites all around the world. Furthermore, Riegel owned the 32nd position on the Germany’s rich list with a fortune of nearly €2.17bn according to the Forbes magazine. To conclude, I think the loss of Hans Riegel is really sad though Haribo and his gummy bears will still be among us bringing happiness to millions of people.
    Hans Riegel Bonn
    <a href="”>

    The Guardian (Food – Life & Style )</a>

    Esther Fernández Barroso

  7. Genetically modified organisms (GMO)
    The genetically modified food aren’t only genetically modified, they have also on them lots of chemical, to increase crops number and quality, so they can sell more products. But now, there is a gap in the food community between those who think biotech is the only way to feed the population and those who think the opposite, that are basically companies integrating Big Ag(less than two dozen of companies that provide 60%-70% of crops that are provided in the world. James Hammitt, the director of the Harvard center for Risk Analysis, thinks that GMO’s should be feared, because they are new products that are being researched, but still we have poor information about them. I think that the OMG’s should be researched before any company could sell them, because we don’t know how it is going to affect us.

    Miguel García de Castro


    I find this article very interesting because it give us some advice for not to let yourself be fooled by some Nutrition Facts panels, which make you think you’re eating healthy food when actually, you’re not.
    For example, some “reduced-fat” food, it often has much more sugar instead of the fat.
    So, the best way to know what are you eating is ignoring misleading marketing and reading the ingredient list.

    Paula Moreno Cabestrero, 1ºC

  9. Hospital fare getting a nutrition makeover

    -Michel Obama is the Honorary Chairwoman of Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) non-profit organization that promotes healthier eating to reduce childhood obesity.
    There are many hospitals that are offering more healthy menus and more than 550 hospitals be joined to this feeding program consisting healthier meals offer both patients and hospital visitors, low calorie meals , offering a daily lower-calorie meal in their cafe and on a patient´s menus. And this meals must be priced less than or equal to other meals, eliminating fried foods, offer healthy foods near the cash registers as milk, fruit juices and vegetables and no sweets and snacks.

    -I think that is important also to offer in their menus, variety of fruits and vegetables cooked in various shapes, attractive appearance, and especially adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as playing sports, eating right, according to our needs, and eat a variety.

    Jaime Cebeira Hernández-Gil

    A Harvard`s study shows us fast food has lots of calories, more than what we think. Harvard`s searchers took 3,400 people and they went to fast-food restaurants, including McDonalds, Burger King, KFC… They asked the diners to say the calories that they thought their meals had, and then they calculated the calories they really had eaten, and these are the results: thay had eaten about 836 calories, but they thought they had eaten between 175-500 calories.
    A Chicago´s dietitian (Dawn Jackson Blatner) offers us “four Golden rules” for people who want to avoid food with lots of calories:
    1) Order less meat
    2) It`s good to eat grilled chicken, fish…
    3) Not to eat a lot of fried and breaded food
    4) Avoid sauces, like ketchup, mustard…
    Its good to swap of sides, eating a day salads and fruit, and other day chips and hamburger. An other advice that Harvard`s searchers give us is to avoid sugary drinks, and drink tea, water… instead of it.
    In conclusion, be careful of what you eat, and the calories it has.

    Lorenzo Esteban Pascual

  11. Improve your diet to have a better skin
    Diet is very important for the skin conditions, in order to prevent acne, eczema or psoriasis. This is because what you eat can help your skin to be healthier due to their properties. The four most important nourishments to protect the skin are:
    - Fish Oil: It helps because of its own natural anti-inflammatory compounds. Oily fish is very important to produce these compounds.
    - Orange food: they have a lot of a compound called beta carotene. This is a natural antioxidant and it also helps to keep your skin supple.
    - Prawns: They have a lot of zinc that is good to treat infections. Zinc is also good to prevent the production of oil on the skin.
    - Onions and garlic: They are full of Sulfur that helps the skin cells to keep their shape.
    Gadea Brechard Alarcia


    Yes. That is the answer of Mary Berry who defend that children have to be involved in cooking matters. She stand up for letting them make their own food. Obviously she doesn’t ignore danger in kitchen whereas she encourage the parents to teach their children the “mistery” of cooking. That will provide the kids confident and autonomy in their life. So the next time they’ll stand over cooking they wouldn’t need parental aid. I think that is a really good idea, last time I tried to cook a pizza the oven set fire.

    Celia Llamas Lozano 1ºBachillerato

  13. Most overdo it at fast-food restaurants; here's how to eat smarter
    This article shows us how to eat fast-food wisely since customers do not know how many calories are they are consuming. One of the Harvard Medical School study collected the calories that the meals of fast-food restaurants contained(like McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and some others) and the results were estimated around 836 calories, 336 more calories than the diners thought.
    Dawn Jackson Blatner an American registered dietitian gave us some rules like: eat grilled or baked food, salad or vegetables, use ketchup and low-calorie dressing and avoid fried versions, chips, cheese, mayo and some others garnishes.
    In my opinion people have to use that kind of advices because the nutrition is so important and we have to take care ourselves.

    Fast-Food Kids Meals-Dawn Jackson Blatner
    Sandra López Calcerrada

  14. After doing a lot of studies, scientist have found no evidence that Vitamin D is effective to prevent osteoporosis. The analisys was made in four differents bones and with dosages between 500 units a day to 800
    Anny trial showed a significant improvement and the numer of possitive results was not the expected. Acording to the results, Dr Ion Reid said that this idea of Vitamin D was incorrect
    In my opinion this information is very important for the suffers of osteoporosis because now they will not waste their time and money
    Vitamind D is not effective for osteoporosis
    Mateo Baret Hernandez

  15. The food you eat and your personality

    The dietitian Dr Hirch has done a study based on the opinion of 19,000 people. His conclusion is that people can be cataloged by its culinary tastes.The columnist doesn’t agree, she considers that what you eat can give clues about your personality (for example,we can guess if you care for your health)

    I agree with the author. Our food choices do not always reflect our taste preferences but they usually give clues about our personality (for example, we can like ice cream but we prefer to eat healthier food)
    Ernesto Martín-Coello 1º C


    There is a general thinking which is that cooking vegetables reduces their nutrients but that is not always true. Sometimes it can even enhance them.

    As a result of several studies, we can confirm that the worst method by far is frying but there is not a superior one because each of them can degrade a nutrient and increase another at the same time, for example, boiling carrots increases carotenoid levels but it also degrades polyphenols ones.

    In my opinion, the best idea is cooking in a variety of ways because each method has his advantages and disadvantages so just enjoy their different tastes and colours.

    Take your spoon and be creative!

    For more information visit:
    The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

    The New York Times (health)

    Irene Sanz Rodríguez

    A new study shows that teenagers are doing more exercise and eating more vegetables, but new data says that teenagers that do less than one hour of exercise per week spent more than two hours watching TV and playing video games.
    There's also an age and racial divide, young children did more physical activity and ate more fruits and vegetables, and older children ate more junk food and did less exercise. There's also a socioeconomic difference, black and hispanic childs were more unhealthy than white child did.
    This problem have been growing since 1980 but fortunately it stopped in 2010.
    Obesity is one of the greatest problems in U.S.A because it can make us have heart diseases and cancer, and we can see and prevent this since we are child, we only need to make 2 or three hours of exercise per week and also eat 2 pieces of vegetables and 3 pieces of fruits per day, and we can be sure that we won't be obese in a few years.

    Guillermo Villabrille Sánchez

  18. The real Bolognese

    I chose this article because I find it very interesting.
    A lot of people, including me, used to think that spaghetti bolognese is an easy recipe to cook, just tomato, meat, spaghetti and cheese.
    As Italian chefs are sick of this, they had decided to teach the world how to make the real classic recipe correctly.
    Another thing that make me pick this article is that it tell you tell you the recipe, and when I read it I just felt like cooking them,
    and I have to say that it take more time but it worth it!
    Real spaghetti bolognese is awesome!

    Here I leave the link of the article, that way you could try to cook them too!

    The article

    Lourdes García Muñoz, 1ºBachillerato C

    Sadly there isn´t a food that helps us to sleep. Many people have reported improved sleep after making a simple change to the food groups they eat during the day. Increasing protein and reducing carbohydrates combined with regular intervals helps regulate glucose levels, and can also reduce the demand for adrenaline.
    Reduce the demand of adrenaline makes feel with less energy and more relaxed therefore it helps to sleep.
    I think that this article is important because it gives us very important information.

    Eduardo Pérez-España Mosulén


    I chose this article because it is true that a lot of food is thrown away every day. I think that these products can be sold at lower prices or given to homeless people or people who have economic difficulties.
    For example, this idea is supported like people as Hanna , head of economic justice policy at Oxfam, who said is a damming throw away all that food while there are many hunger people in the world.
    So I agree with the actions that are taking place in this campaign for not dropping that amount of food

    Carmen de Vicente

  21. Delicious and Healthy Meals

    Healthy food in addition to preventing obesity, helps us to keep a healthy lifestyle. Eating vegetables, fruit, fish and meat provides a balanced diet. But, nowadays, few people keep a healthy diet and food is starting to become a problem. When something is delicious... It's fattening! Healthy food is not integrated in our lives. We always prefer a sweet rather than a carrot for example.
    There are actually a lot of recipes that are really good and healthy. Let us go to the kitchen and let us start to prepare some exotic plates. On this page you can find a lot of recipes.
    There are a lot of ways to combining vegetables (carrot, zucchini, leeks, eggplant, peppers...):
    Braised Hearts of Celery Vinaigrette
    The New York Times
    Cristina Cuadrado Martín

    I was looking for the opportunity to speak about this problem, because is very important for me, to inform people about how this kind of illness (as bulimia or anorexia) degrading our society.
    Sufferers of eating disorders are primarily women in their late adolescence or early adulthood, these illness are the result of the shallowness of the youth of today, the obsession of appearance leads to start diets, diets that result in reduced meals reasons, and finally stopped eating or in the case of bulimia, in a cycle of binge-eating followed by purges to rid oneself of Large amounts of food consumed in as little as half an hour or by constipation remedies which can also rid of the food they eat, food that has components absolutely necessary for the survival and welfare of a living.
    These "remedies" do not attain the beauty of the body, if not a body degradation and destruction of the lives of those who turn to them, the reals remedies are: doing sport, healthy lifestyle and follow a good diet that present all kinds of foods starting with the most important as fruit, vegetables, fish, meat (common energetic sources) and avoid pastries.
    Carmen Zalbidea, 1ºC BACHILLERATO

    Saturated fat is blamed for the rising rates of heart disease and diabetes in the 1970s, therefore, the government will announce that the companies that make them have signed a "commitment to responsibility" to reduce saturated fat containing products. However, the levels of sugar in them remain the same.
    Half of the food available in the UK market have engaged with this new responsibility and are leading the way to give their customers the most healthy and low-fat alternatives.
    Nestlé is the biggest loser - with the promise of carrying 3,800 tonnes of saturated fat from their Kit Kats. "This is the next step on the road to improve the nutritional profile of our products," said Ciaran Sullivan, CEO of Nestlé Confectionery
    Alfredo Muñoz Sáenz

  24. Basketball and cereals.

    I've chosen this article because it combinates two of my favourite things in life: basketball and cereals.

    The author of this non-serious article tells us about the addiction of some basketball players to cereals. But, are breakfast cereals healthy? The answer is clearly YES. Cereals are a really energetic aliment which contains 10 different nutrients, as well as some needed vitamins.

    In conclussion, I'd like to express my love to cereals, and I'd recommend you to be more like Washington Wizards players. Eat cereals!
    (The article)

    Jorge Moral Pombo, 1º C Bachillerato.

  25. Both print and electronic media are facing consolidation and budget cuts . Reporters commented to the rhythms of food, health and safety were being reassigned.

    The lawyer Bill Marler met a team of journalists and gave them resources to providing them with timely information on food security. Today, articles are complemented by food security leaders from all sectors of the industry. Reporters have had access to several Congressional offices , and newspapers in the country. The attorneys at Marler , Marler Clark , continues to support the Food Safety News .
    Our annual traffic grew to more than 2.2 million unique visitors in 2012. Food Safety News is providing information necessary for issues important to the people and leaders of the food industry and also to people who care about food safety .

    Eva Prados Lopez

    The article is about the levels of obesity in the United States. After several studies, it's been proved that the obesity has been reduced all over the country. In my opinion, it's true that obesity has been dicreased in the american population, but I think they have to keep doing efforts because they still have the highest obesity rate.
    Click here to read the original article
    Marta Yruela

  27. Jaime Augustin 1ºC


    There is a belief that some raw foods are healthier than cooked food ...

    Although it is generaly true that many of the vitamins in fruits and vegetables get spoiled when cooked, a study by the University of California, showed that some vegetables retain more of their nutrients when boiled. It is the case of carrots, which boiled have a greater number of carotenoids.

    In conclusion, don’t be afraid to cook food. The important thing is to eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables without fear of cooking!

  28. U.S. Standards for School Snacks Move Beyond Cafeteria to Fight Obesity:

    After reading this article, I have to say I completely agree with what the United States Government has recently done. The amount of obesity in the USA is increasing by the day and new nutrition standards at the school vending machines etc. could certainly help. I think it's time for a change and a calorie and size limitation to be set. I hope this will help the future generation children.

  29. Transgenic fish wins US regulatory backing

    That’s the first genetically engineered animal for human consumption, the fast-growing fish.
    This is a under discussion because the FDA and others comment about this, they think this could be a risk to nature, AquaBounty says the opposite (they are the producers); after this publication the fast-growing fish was approved. But the problem was that the genetically engineered salmon must be bred in inland tanks to avoid the risk that the almost sterile females breed with wild salmon. In order to be approved by FDA, AquaBounty has promised not to sell the fish to farmers who don’t have enclosed inland tanks.

    In my opinion, It’s a good thing as far as these genetically modified fish are inside the inland tanks.

    Marta Ortiz Postigo.
