Society, People


    In 1991, a little girl between 3 to 5 years old was found dead in the middle of a northern Manhattan’s forest, right next to the road. She was inside a blue cooler and as they couldn’t identify her, they called her “Baby Hope”. A woman has been saying that she is Baby Hope’s mother.A few days ago that has been proved true by DNA tests made by the Police.
    They are still searching for the assasin.
    I think this news is quite amazing that’s why I chose it, I hope they find the murderer soon.
    New York Times (real new)
    Andrea del Cura Manzano.

  2. Hospitals' daily spending on food as little as £4.15 per patient

    The fact that some hospitals are spending such a small amount on their meals should not be ignored. Being hospitalized involves suffering a serious health issue. Not to offer patients the good quality and nutritious food they need it’s something that should never be done as it is crucial for their recovery.
    All this is very concerning and completely unacceptable; the government should be working on a plan to change this.
    The Guardian (Society News)
    Julia Fernández Puertas

  3. Convicted murderer escapes from mental health centre in Homerton
    A difficult man was jailed because he murdered a boy, he was 17 years old. The murderer is Larone Boye , he´s 27 years old and he killed the victim because he was chased out of a party and he took: broken glass and bottles and killed the boy. At the same time he had to be at the heath mental centre of Homerton, he was sentenced to life.
    The last Thursday he ran away from the health centre , now a days the police are looking for the man.
    This news is impressive and amazing, those are the facts why I´ve choosen this news because is unacceptable
    The Guardian( Crime news)

    In Asia, the suicide rate among the elderly has been doubled. The most elderlies live in miserable situations and the nursing homes are in poor conditions. Even in Japan, the richest country in Asia, the welfare assistance has suffered cuts.
    In Asia the pensions are ridiculous and some insurance systems no cover many catastrophic illnesses. The president of Korea promised that he will improve the pensions, but he saw that it was impossible because the government hasn’t got enough income to pay it.
    I think this situation is shameful. Europe should help Asia in this subject. So in ten years this situation would change.

    Andrés Espuelas

  5. Memuna McShane: From civil war in Sierra Leone to soccer fields of Washington

    This is the story of a girl from Sierra Leone called Memuna which, due to the war, lost an arm. She does not remember the whole story. Her three brothers also suffered these consequences, and her mother and grandmother were killed in that terrible war.
    The protests met their goal and the government put remedy to these horrible consequences that the war had brought. A group of children in Sierra Leone were brought to the United States to reconstruct the members lost in the war.
    I think Memuna is a great example of overcoming that despite having lost an arm and part of his family in the civil war in Sierra Leone, she could move on with her life and play in a great football team. She is now not ashamed of her history and of not having an arm, and she does not care what others may think of her.

    Ana Serrada Gutiérrez

  6. Police cars or Ambulances?
    In UK police cars have been acting as ambulances to transport patients to hospitals.
    It seems the reason was that the ambulance service was completely overworked and there were not enough ambulances.
    In these cases police cars were claimed to do this work. In some ocassions patients died during the transport and the policemen have received complaints for this.
    In my opinion this is caused for the savings that goverments are doing because of the crisis. The problem is that we should not save in things related to the health of the people.

    The Guardian (Society news)

  7. Nineteen years old teen, Justin Carter, gets sent to jail after posting a sarcastic comment seen as a terroristic threat while playing the on-line game “League of Legends”:
    I understand that we have to be careful with what we post in social networks, that it might come back to haunt us; but, I also think, that what Justin Carter is facing (several years in jail plus the $500,000 set bond) is excessive. I think that we have to take into account that the kid has only turned nineteen, and even though he said a pretty barbarous thing he added expressions such as “jk” and “LOL” afterwards which imply that he was just joking. Therefore I believe that the authorities shouldn’t be so hard on him, I am sure that after all this he has learnt his lesson.
    CNN News

  8. Food banks are testimony to the Tories' massacre of hope and dignity
    In the last years, due to the economic crisis, the number of people that go to food banks have increased a lot in the UK .This isn´t new but affect to millions of people . According to the conservative party there are "only" half a million food bank users in the UK.I think that this service is very useful and important in a country because all the people should eat everydayThe Guardian (Society news) Daniel Martínez Torres

  9. “The Autobiography of the Controversy”
    Steven Morrisey, known as the former lead singer of “The Smiths” as well as for his solo carreer; has published his own autobiography as a “Penguin Classic”, this news have had a great repercussion in the “Music World” such in the “Reader´s World”.
    While some people talk about it like the best music autobiography since Bob Dylan´s autobiography, another people criticize it for his unusual style of writing.
    “I think that we will need to read it for have our own opinion, but for me it is going to be a fascinating read for his great eventful life.”
    Jaime López Villar
    Telegraph (Music News- Morrisey)

  10. Fake Banksy sells more than real Banksy.
    Banksy is a street artist who works painting in the walls of big cities in the whole world, speacialized in social criticism.
    Some weeks ago he did an experiment in New York, an old man had a stand with Banksy´s real paintings. He just assisted three clients during the day. After the experiment Banksy announced on his website what has happened.
    One week later, in the same place, fake Banksy´s work appeared. The man who managed the stand warned his clients about the duplicity of the pieces, however, all paintings were sold in one hour.
    In my opinion it´s a funny fact produced by the expectation always caused by celebrities. But with a bad part, it shows the stupidity that we, humans, can be sometimes.
    Antonio Miguel Valero.
    Banksy - The Telegraph

  11. Purse snatcher foiled by 8-year-old boy

    The first thing that I thought when I read this news was, how was it be possible that a child who was only eight years old could deal with that kind of situation like he did. I think that many people wouldn’t have the guts to follow the person that had just stolen something from you. In my opinion what Joe did was very brave.
    USA Today

  12. Children's Internet use survey offers warning to parents
    This post talks about a survey made to primary school students from Guernsey, a British island. In it, those kids where asked about their use of Internet, which is quite worrying, results say.
    Lots of 9, 10 or 11 year olded kids pretend to be older on the Internet. Some of them, also, meet people who they only know online, and some of them do it alone! Without protection, or company of their brothers or parents. This can be too risky for them.
    I think children must be supervised. Internet is really useful, but may be very dangerous if we don't use it properly. I think parents don't realise that, so this must start by concerning them of the risks that their sons are easily exposed to.
    Ignacio Anaya Coll.
    The Guardian

  13. Teenage tragedy
    Mushary Badi (an Iraqi teenager) had to identify the bodies of his parents and his four sisters after they were killed in an Ohio car crash caused by a police officer responding to a call about a robbery.
    Facing this new reality he has become an adult prematurely because of the responsibility of taking care of his 3 younger brothers and his grandmother.
    I’ve chosen this story because I want to make you think about how lucky we are and how tragically ironic life can be sometimes.
    Also, it’s worth noting that the police should be less negligent in protecting society.
    Irene Oslé Herrero.
    USA TODAY (nation news)

  14. Bullying is parents' big fear as children start secondary school, survey finds
    I Read an article about a survey that was made for parents and their children about what they were more worried about secondary school. Parents and children were worried about bullying and making friends but they were not worried about alcohol.
    From my point of view, they should be more concerned about alcohol than about the possibility of bulling because it is less likely to happen, but both things are serious problems so, I think they should be worried about the two and some others like drugs or smoking because they are dangerous too.
    Marta Tornil Tabernero
    The Guardian

    For me, It's hard to read this article. I can't imagine how a ten-month-old girl can live in such poor conditions, living in a tent inside a garage with unemployed parents. If they had not been found, the little girl would have a tough life. Although knowing that their parents are on drugs and they are a bad influence to her. ¿How can parents do such things to babies? . Reading this article makes me realize that I'm proud of having this life and the way I live.
    Nuria Peñas Rica
    USA Today

    This article explains the case of a couple who took care of their baby in a garage, surrounded of bad conditions. To defend themselves they explained that, even though they searched for better places, it was the only option they had.
    From my point of view the police has done a good job as the baby was suffering indirectly, nevertheless any children needs his own family. So I think the mother has learned the lesson and that the Department of Human Services should help this problematic family.
    Click here to read more from the original article
    Beatriz Fernández Izquierdo, 1ºA

  17. Saudi women set to drive in protest and to show their rising clout
    This Saturday saudi´s activist have convocated a manifestation because in Saudi Arabia women can´t drive. The activist Manal al Sharif provocated a driving protest in 2011.This protest didn´t change the law but it helped women to get some rights such as voting and running in municipal elections in 2015. In 2013 They joined to the Shoura Council. Last summer, Saudi Arabia sent a runner and a judo fighter, to compete in London.
    In my opinion, both men and women, should have the same rights.
    Washington Post
    Rocio Rodriguez de Trujillo Sanchez

    Racism still exists in our society. Racism is a big problem, not just in sport as this article tells us, everywhere.
    This article is all about racism in one country: Russia. Russia is the biggest country in the world as km2 and has 142.905.200 habitants living on it. Russia is organizing the 2018 World Cup and they are worried about this. This is not the first time there is racism in sport and unfortunately it won´t be the last one.

    Jaime Torres-Dulce 1ºA


    After Reading this news i felt shocked because of the brutal crime that Mingdong Chen commited to his three nephews and their mother. In my opinion this killer has to be accused and condemned for the rest of his life, till he die in prison; beacause if we admit this tipe of behavior and the court doesn´t punish justly, there will be more murderers on our streets inducing an insecure world

    Elena Moral Tapia

    Socety News New York Times

    Sara Kruzan 17-year-old was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering her pimp called George Gilbert Howard. He said he had sexually abused her when she was small, and forced her to work as a prostitute at the age of 13.
    They considered their circumstances and was put on freedom forgiving her 25 years in prison and was transferred to a city 135 miles from there to make it reinserted in the society.
